I was, as were most people, devastated at the news of the suicide of legendary comedian
Robin Williams. He was a singular force of happiness in my childhood and on Wednesday, for the first time, Robin Williams made me cry tears that were not of mirth, but of misery.
There is so much to talk about following his passing, and as an advocate for mental health illnesses and treatment I know how important these conversations will be in changing lives - hopefully for the better - and shaping national dialogue about suicide and mental health. Perhaps I may sometime post my own views on the "choice of suicide," one of the most controversial issues which have arisen in the past week (just Google "Robin Williams," or for more extreme dialogue "
Matt Walsh Robin Williams," and you'll get just as many opinions as there are links).
But for today, since this is primarily a movie blog, I thought we might look ahead to the five films Robin completed in 2014 and left for us before his heartbreaking death. As Robin's character in Dead Poet's Society said, quoting Walt Whitman, “
What good amid these, O me, O life? Answer: That you are here -That life exists.”
And what is life but stories? My story, your story, the stories of each person, all intertwined and interacting. So let's listen to the last stories told by one of the great storytellers of our time...