Reviews of What I've Seen
June 6th
Edge of Tomorrow: An officer is caught in a time loop while at war with an alien race. His skills increase as he faces the same brutal combat scenarios and his union with a Special Forces warrior brings them closer to victory.
Opening Weekend: $28.8 million
Rotten Tomatoes: 90%
Trailer here.
Review: Tom Cruise jumped on a couch once, had a couple divorces, and has a different religion than you. Why they hell that matters to anyone I don't know, but for some reason people have decided they don't like one of the best actors of our time and, unfortunately, many of his recent films have not received the box-office numbers they deserve. I'd like to point your attention above to the relatively weak opening gross for Edge of Tomorrow compared to its astoundingly high Rotten Tomatoes score as proof of this premise. Do not let this inventive, engrossing, and thoroughly entertaining film - one of the best of the summer - slip past you unseen.
The Final Word: 3.5/4 - Go buy a ticket.
June 6th
Edge of Tomorrow: An officer is caught in a time loop while at war with an alien race. His skills increase as he faces the same brutal combat scenarios and his union with a Special Forces warrior brings them closer to victory.
Opening Weekend: $28.8 million
Rotten Tomatoes: 90%
Trailer here.
Review: Tom Cruise jumped on a couch once, had a couple divorces, and has a different religion than you. Why they hell that matters to anyone I don't know, but for some reason people have decided they don't like one of the best actors of our time and, unfortunately, many of his recent films have not received the box-office numbers they deserve. I'd like to point your attention above to the relatively weak opening gross for Edge of Tomorrow compared to its astoundingly high Rotten Tomatoes score as proof of this premise. Do not let this inventive, engrossing, and thoroughly entertaining film - one of the best of the summer - slip past you unseen.
The Final Word: 3.5/4 - Go buy a ticket.